Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fauna Facts

Hey everyone out there, here are some more facts!

Largest creature to ever lived on Earth. 170 tons, heart of a small car, largest blood vessels = wide enough for an adult to swim in without much difficulties.
Kodiak bear(roughly about 862 kilograms) = 14 male gymnasts.
As a result from falling from trees as a daily routine, apparently 50% of the Orang utans have fractured bones. OUCH
Giraffes = Humans = 7 bones in their neck.
All clams are born as males. They can only change into a female once and this cannot be reversed.
Frogs X vomit. When it needs to, it vomits its entire stomach.
Wolves use their different tones of howls to communicate when hunting. Echoes = Distortion of communication. Therefore, a wolf's howl does not produce echoes!
Well, that's all for today! I'll fill you in with more interesting facts later!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Feet and others

Hey readers! In the Antartica is where the flightless birds live.....

Here's a shocking fact about them. They can jump 6 feet high in the air.
The other instresting animal is the kangaroo. A group of them is called mob! Imagine if they were angry.... Kangaroos may be able to jump fast but one thing is for sure is that they can't walk backwards! How awful is that!
We've known that the woodpecker is famous for you know-woodpecking! But how fast do they really peck? We'll facts show that they can peck as fast as 20 times a second!
This fact is a little bit gross..... I'm sure everyone's heard of the praying mantis.... They are the only insects that can turn their head 360 degrees!!!Ewwww..........

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Check This Out!

Here's some more eye-opening fun-facts!

1. Did you know a cat's jaws can't move sideways? They can only move it up and down.
2. Reindeers LOVE to eat bananas. Wow, never thought of that one!
3. Most of the hamsters we all know only blink an eye at a time! Imagine that! That sounds so weird.
4. Our old helpful cow can give out up to 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime! Talk about generousity!
5. A domestic cat has the ability to frighten a black bear to climb a tree. Do not try this at home!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Here's More!

Here comes 3 more cool facts!

We all know that camels are practically master of survival at a desert. In fact, they are so good at surviving, their eyes have 3 eye lids! 
Here's the next one: No 2 zebras ever have the same stripe pattern. Speaking of the same pattern, even snowflakes are like that too!
This is the best! Ever wondered ahy goldfish NEVER get bored? That's because they have cognitive load limitation or otherwise known as memory span of 1.5seconds-3seconds! If you place a castle inside their bowl, they will be like 'wow! a castle, how nice!' and they swim around the castle and a few seconds later 'inpressive, a castle!' and here they are, swimming around it again.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We've all come to know that mammals are warm-blooded, practices internal fertilization and breath through lungs. But Did You Know?

Playtypus are the only mammals that lay eggs! Yes, they are mammals but they lay eggs! They're warm-blooded and breath through lungs but they lay eggs. How cool is that?
Another thing, male seahorses give birth! Not the females, how interesting.....
If you guys has any cool facts tell me about them and i can post them up here.